The new moon is the time to engage in creating the life you desire! By aligning ourselves with the cycles of nature in general - and in this case - with the moon cycles, we open ourselves to a deeper experience of oneness with the dynamic, ever-changing web of life. Our beautiful moon gives us a template for creating the life we desire – the world we desire – every month, ebbing and flowing in and out of darkness and light.
At the new moon, be like the seed en-wombed in our beloved Mother Earth – full of creative promise, surrounded with dark stillness, holding all resources needed to sprout, grow, flower and seed. Feel into your seed-self, the stillness, the latency, like the space between breaths, and from this nether-space, allow your desires to surface, born of silence.
Holding your desires in awareness, observe them. Allow some to fall away, others to shine in the darkness. Select the shining ones, and from stillness, invite them to sprout, grow, and flower in the darkness. In this dream, water the desires, prune and fertilize the shoots, imagine the flowering in full technicolor. Be the dreamer of your destiny. Do you like what you see? Set these desires as your new moon intentions. Take the full week from new moon to quarter moon to create and refine your intentions. Take pen in hand and write freely, allowing the visions to flow, without worrying about sentences, structure form. Call to Grandmother Moon, speak your heart, and listen for her wisdom.
As the moon waxes in the second week, growing in brightness and size every night, take actions – concrete steps – to bring your desire to fruition. Make connections, communicate your message, water the seeds, weave the web!
At her glorious fullness, open to experience, observe, and feel what is flowering through your actions. Move into receiving and feeling the glory of her warm, loving fullness. Recognize what is growing, what has already manifested as form through your conscious, directed, actions. Offer gratitude – thank you Grandmother Moon! I am so grateful for your beauty, your love, your support!
Notice what does not resonate with your intentions, and release it – allowing it to simply slip away. Thank you Grandmother Moon for showing me what does not serve my desires! Thank you for clarifying my vision! Let go of self blame! Forgive yourself and others for whatever needs forgiving. Release, allow, surrender.
As the moon moves into her waning cycle, continue to refine your vision, allowing that which does not serve to fall away and become compost for that which is coming. Honor it, thank it, and release it. And in this cycle of release, consider cleansing the physical body, releasing waste and toxins to create space in your own physical form for what is to come.
Now Grandmother Moon again becomes dark, silent, peaceful. Another cycle of creation begins.
The beauty of this practice is presence. Allowing the cycles to guide us, allowing quote/unquote failures to become fertilizer that simply nourishes the next cycle. Banishing blame. Creating in resonance with All-That-Is – in full awareness – with presence.
May we all be blessed with peace and presence, now and every moment! Namaste! Aho! Hailley!
At the new moon, be like the seed en-wombed in our beloved Mother Earth – full of creative promise, surrounded with dark stillness, holding all resources needed to sprout, grow, flower and seed. Feel into your seed-self, the stillness, the latency, like the space between breaths, and from this nether-space, allow your desires to surface, born of silence.
Holding your desires in awareness, observe them. Allow some to fall away, others to shine in the darkness. Select the shining ones, and from stillness, invite them to sprout, grow, and flower in the darkness. In this dream, water the desires, prune and fertilize the shoots, imagine the flowering in full technicolor. Be the dreamer of your destiny. Do you like what you see? Set these desires as your new moon intentions. Take the full week from new moon to quarter moon to create and refine your intentions. Take pen in hand and write freely, allowing the visions to flow, without worrying about sentences, structure form. Call to Grandmother Moon, speak your heart, and listen for her wisdom.
As the moon waxes in the second week, growing in brightness and size every night, take actions – concrete steps – to bring your desire to fruition. Make connections, communicate your message, water the seeds, weave the web!
At her glorious fullness, open to experience, observe, and feel what is flowering through your actions. Move into receiving and feeling the glory of her warm, loving fullness. Recognize what is growing, what has already manifested as form through your conscious, directed, actions. Offer gratitude – thank you Grandmother Moon! I am so grateful for your beauty, your love, your support!
Notice what does not resonate with your intentions, and release it – allowing it to simply slip away. Thank you Grandmother Moon for showing me what does not serve my desires! Thank you for clarifying my vision! Let go of self blame! Forgive yourself and others for whatever needs forgiving. Release, allow, surrender.
As the moon moves into her waning cycle, continue to refine your vision, allowing that which does not serve to fall away and become compost for that which is coming. Honor it, thank it, and release it. And in this cycle of release, consider cleansing the physical body, releasing waste and toxins to create space in your own physical form for what is to come.
Now Grandmother Moon again becomes dark, silent, peaceful. Another cycle of creation begins.
The beauty of this practice is presence. Allowing the cycles to guide us, allowing quote/unquote failures to become fertilizer that simply nourishes the next cycle. Banishing blame. Creating in resonance with All-That-Is – in full awareness – with presence.
May we all be blessed with peace and presence, now and every moment! Namaste! Aho! Hailley!